Back sleeping aligns your neck and spine into a neutral position, making it the least likely sleeping position to cause any kind of neck or back issues.
Sleeping on your back can make you more likely to snore or develop sleep apnea. This is because the position causes your tongue to fall backwards above your airway, resulting in snoring.
To support the natural curvature of your spine, try placing a pillow underneath your knees as you sleep.
Just like side sleepers, back sleepers can sleep in a variety of positions.
One of the rarest of all sleeping positions, if you’re a starfish sleeper you lie flat on your back with your legs outstretched and your arms up above your head.
Just as starfish sleepers are unique, so too are their personalities. Starfish sleepers are one-of-a-kind types and simply the kind of people you want in your life – they’re supportive and loving, they go out of their way to help those they love and ensure that the important relationships in their lives are a priority.
You’re a sleeping soldier if you lie flat on your back with arms straight down by your sides, as though standing to attention.
Just like the name suggests, sleeping soldiers are strong, resilient, ‘no-fuss’ kinds of people. They prefer seriousness and structure in their everyday lives and tend to make good leaders who hold both themselves and others to high expectations.